
Hello and welcome to my garden! I have a zone 6 garden located in south eastern Connecticut with a little bit of everything. There's a lot of it and it's still growing. Sometimes I think it might be too much and then the gardener in me comes out and says NOPE. My ultimate goal is to be able to eat my way around my yard. In addition I love what my friends affectionately called my jungle. My collection of tropicals brings the outside in and gives the place a tropical feel at times. While some of my garden is your run of the mill some isn't. Come join me on my wild adventure.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Inappropriate office plant?

 The amaryllis, I think, is a beautiful flower.  I haven’t quite decided if it’s really worth the space while it grows, but if you get the one with the really huge flowers it’s totally worth it for the flowers.  However, we were informed that some employers think it is a very inappropriate office plant because it can be viewed as offensive.  I would never have gone there with the amaryllis before that, but now that it’s been said I can see it and will never look at it the same way again.  So while we can grow it in our office trust me the jokes have already started.  We’ve played ring around the amaryllis, and are you bigger than an amaryllis to name a few.  Such a beautiful flower, and now it’s the bunt of all jokes.  I guess some people are just way too ????? yeah I can’t even come up with something here so I’ll just laugh.  Enjoy! 

These ended up not being that big as far as flowers went, but they have provided way more entertainment than I think I flower should have.  These pictures were taken back in January, but We still ahve some going in the office.  

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