
Hello and welcome to my garden! I have a zone 6 garden located in south eastern Connecticut with a little bit of everything. There's a lot of it and it's still growing. Sometimes I think it might be too much and then the gardener in me comes out and says NOPE. My ultimate goal is to be able to eat my way around my yard. In addition I love what my friends affectionately called my jungle. My collection of tropicals brings the outside in and gives the place a tropical feel at times. While some of my garden is your run of the mill some isn't. Come join me on my wild adventure.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

This week's bouquet

Bouquets are finally back.  I took way too long of a hiatus, but it’s never too late to bring some sunshine inside.  Especially when the skies are opening up and lightning is flashing.  

This week’s bouquets:
White hydrangea, wild daisy’s, ebb tide that ended up red (supposed to be purple), lamb’s ear

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

New Canning Goals

So I finally took the dive this weekend.  I purchased a brand new heavy duty canning pot with rack, a jar lifter, wide mouth funnel, some extra lids, and one case of each size to start with.  I even picked up some of the twist on caps to use afterwards.  We have some jam we picked up and I think these will be easier then the rings etc. Now the trick will be to finally decide what to do, when to do it, and where to get the produce.  Unfortunately I don’t think there will be volumes coming out of my garden quite yet.  So this year a friend and I are going to hit up the markets to start with and then see how things go.  It will be interesting to see what we ultimately come up with.  The downer . . . . I’m pretty sure that once we start down this road there’ll be no turning back. 

Update: So knowing that this has sat for a while it's time to let everyone know that the new and improved can be found over at www.gardeningfoodies.com I've learned a lot over the years and I'm super excited to share that with everyone.  So come check us out and see what we now have in store for you.  A lot of food, a little bit of bon COOK business and a sprinkling of gardening to bring everything together.  Or just check out our growing community over at www.gardeningfoodies.com/fbgroup Can't wait to see you there and catch up

Monday, June 25, 2012

Finally a Free Weekend

Well finally got a free weekend.  Note to self NEVER EVER travel during May.  We were doing okay and managing to stay on top of things, but the reality is that I just lost way too much time that week leading up to our travel and forget about the time that we were actually travelling.  At least it’s still june though and I have at least managed to keep the veggie garden completely weeded (l’m leaving the section that we just seeded for a little while) and I’ve managed to get the veggies into the front side walk. 

Final tally so far in the veggie garden: minus some hardware lettuce ( salad bowl, black seeded Simpson, mix, spicy mix, butter crunch, spinach, arugula, romaine, white cucumber, cucumber, pickling cukes, Catalina beans, sun sugar cherry tomato, sugar beet, carrots, leeks, ca wonder, mix tomatoes, mustard, amaranth, orange sweet pepper, havarti green beans, rice, parsley, dill, parsnips, chocolate sweet pepper, amish past, basil, lemon basil, soy beans, red mini sweet peppers, san marzano tomatoes, alpine strawberries, celery, squash, cilantro, yellow mini sweet peppers, stevia, green onion, black beans and kidney beans

Still missing: flax, buck wheat, cumin, garlic, red onion, brussel sprouts, summer savory, winter savory, lovage and chervil,  I’ll be putting these in seed starting trays, I think they’re getting lost in the weeds.  olate sweet pepper, egg plant black beauty and white, corn, Lima beans, red watermelon, shallots, sweet onion, spaghetti squash, strawberry popcorn, black futzu pumpkin, small red beans, mini chocolate sweet peppers, Amish paste, basil, lemon basil, soy beans, red mini sweet peppers, San marzano tomatoes, alpine strawberries, celery, squash, cilantro, yellow mini sweet peppers, stevia, green onions, black beans and kidney beans. Now to sit back and see what grows. On to the front I go.

The front sidewalk will be a totally different story though with those damn violas.  I gave up on them and I think that will have to be a complete day at this point.  It doesn’t help that the mulch is almost completely gone, but it has been 4 years since we put anything on it and even then it wasn’t that thick (we did it in the dark).  I’m hoping to get the rest of the plants put in this week.  The rest of the front sections don’t look completely lost so crossing my fingers that they will go quickly.  So far the weather is not looking promising, but I can cross my fingers. 

Update: So knowing that this has sat for a while it's time to let everyone know that the new and improved can be found over at www.gardeningfoodies.com I've learned a lot over the years and I'm super excited to share that with everyone.  So come check us out and see what we now have in store for you.  A lot of food, a little bit of bon COOK business and a sprinkling of gardening to bring everything together.  Or just check out our growing community over at www.gardeningfoodies.com/fbgroup Can't wait to see you there and catch up.  

New veggie garden! ! !

Welcome to my new veggie garden.  Not perfect because it’s not square so it didn’t quite line up the way I would have hopped and somehow a foot got cut off on my end, and added to the back.  Made for some frustrating reworking after spending all the time to figure it all out, but at least my husband can reach the corners.  I for sure can’t.  Now it’s all filled in and finally planted.  I’m loving the layout so far.  There’s a little getting used to it because you have to walk around sometimes just to get to the other side of the lettuce, but if that’s the worst thing I think I can managed.  We’ll have to see how it works out for the whole summer, but if I could do it again I would definitely keep it to 4 feet and not try to push it to the 5.  It’s just a little too far to comfortably stretch, but live and learn.  Now to see what I can do with it.  These pictures are before leaving for two weeks.  The last one you can see how nice I left it. 

Friday, June 1, 2012

Why you shouldn't leave for two weeks

Well it's been a crazy week. We're just barely adjusting back to east coast time and had another full weekend. Didn't even touch the gardens last weekend other than to take note of what was going on, and the grass got mowed. I spent the day unpacking and doing laundry. Oh and of course taking stock of my in door plants. A couple aren't happy, but not too bad. Lost one banana that wasn't doing great before we left, but that was about it. I think the biggest lose was 5 of my lemons. The other two though are doing great and are getting big.

The yard was a mess. I swear we must have had perfect growing weather while we were gone. Lesson learned traveling in may in the middle of planting time is not a good idea. At least with the new veggie garden I got through about 130 square feet in about an hour after nothing for almost THREE weeks. That's crazy. Now I just need to get through the rest of it and get my butt in gear. I've already gotten most of the plants that I had to buy because I lost mine or they just wouldn't grow. Next year I'll again. In the mean time I'm going to try really hard to catch up and attempt to salvage this year.

Mother nature waits for no one.

Update: So knowing that this has sat for a while it's time to let everyone know that the new and improved can be found over at www.gardeningfoodies.com I've learned a lot over the years and I'm super excited to share that with everyone.  So come check us out and see what we now have in store for you.  A lot of food, a little bit of bon COOK business and a sprinkling of gardening to bring everything together.  Or just check out our growing community over at www.gardeningfoodies.com/fbgroup Can't wait to see you there and catch up.