I can't believe it's almost August. Okay it basically is, and it's crazy. This year has been so crazy I don't think I would have even been able to keep up if I had this in my notebook like last year. Maybe a little better, but let's face it probably not. I got off to such a great start. On time, seeds popping up like crazy, even a head at some points. And then mother nature decided that something wasn't right and started dumping us with rain. It's amazing how much time you lose even when you think you wouldn't get much done. So behind I fell and soon fell even further behind.
So far though a few successes of experiments, and others not so much. My seeds didn't generally like my nice cold basement with the light hanging above them at least not long term (it probably could have been closer). However I have found that they absolutely LOVE the corner of my driveway (top of the list for next year). Still haven't had any luck growing peppers from seed. I'll be sticking a few in my 3-tiers to see if they do anything at all. On the other hand though I bought some egg plants this year and I am THRILLED that there are real egg plants growing. So far 1 purple and a few white ones. I swear they get bigger by the day. The new blue podded peas that I tried were awesome. Great producer and so tasty. Those are a keeper. Who needs boring green ones when I can have these. Now just to keep the dogs from eating them. I also finally manged to get lettuce out of my garden. Now I have to work on spreading it out and getting it constantly.
I've had terrible gardeners block this year, but finally did manage to get at least something in the ground for our new two spots out front. Hopefully pictures will follow shortly. I almost think the last one I did was just too perfect. It'll be a tough act to follow.
Hello and welcome to my garden! I have a zone 6 garden located in south eastern Connecticut with a little bit of everything. There's a lot of it and it's still growing. Sometimes I think it might be too much and then the gardener in me comes out and says NOPE. My ultimate goal is to be able to eat my way around my yard. In addition I love what my friends affectionately called my jungle. My collection of tropicals brings the outside in and gives the place a tropical feel at times. While some of my garden is your run of the mill some isn't. Come join me on my wild adventure.