The 2011 gardening season has officially started. We had our first day of 70 degree weather on Friday and that was more than enough to get everyone into the a serious case of spring fever. Once that first nice day happens that’s it, it’s all over. The snow has pretty much melted, the pond is thawed and there’s no hope of getting out there again this year so I say bring on the sunshine. This past weekend was nice enough for jeans and hoodies. We were able to get about half our of vegetable garden turned over and get the manure in. We cleared a small section next to the fence so that I could get some peas in. And we were able to get around the pool fence cleaned in the areas that I wanted to get some peas in as well. All in all not a bad Sunday. This will be the first year I’m growing peas on our chain link fence. This was primarily driven by a desire to free up as much space in the actual veggie garden as possible. I grow things on the fence anyway might as well as something edible off it. And of course it snows today so we’ll have to see if snow really does make them sweater. So far in this year is some spinach, garden peas, blue podded peas, snow peas, yellow snow peas and sugar snap peas. I’ve never gotten them in this early (on time) before so I’m pretty excited to see how they do. Hopefully they will start filling in the fence for some privacy as well.
Found out I’m actually late on starting some seeds this year. They are new ones that I’ve never grown before, but I thought I was being so good. Oh well guess I’ll have to play catch up this weekend. Pictures to follow later at some point I'm sure.